Siberian Shamans: A way of living


Text: Jonas Bickelmann Foto: Moritz Küstner Video: Liisi Mölder & Moritz Küstner

The Buryat shamans perform their rituals near the Irkutsk hippodrome. A small estate with functional, newish buildings. A sign on the wall surrounding it says „Шаманский Центр“ – Shamanic Centre. If it weren’t for that, it might just as well be another kind of public or commercial building in this quiet district of the city. In the hallway, fish inhabit a large aquarium, otherwise it’s an inornate room with a few doors and a staircase. We meet Vitaly upstairs to learn how he became a shaman.

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It is Europe‘s poor East that sucks up the remains of Bonn‘s consumer society, polishes it, and then re-uses it until it is utterly worn out. This is where these bicycles, dressers, drills, and bed-frames come to find a new life. There are Polish housewives cooking borsht in pots that for 30 years saw nothing but the kitchens of the Rhineland. Hungarians families sleep on the beds of their Bonn predecessors, and one or two Romanian wild roses grow from flowerpots that once nurtured geraniums. Eastern Europe is like a giant recycling machine for the West - our bulky waste goes into the households of Chişinău and Prizren, our disused cars trundle from Shkodra to Tirana as re-tooled micro-buses, our dilapidated washing machines clean shirts in Burgas and Bratislava.

But only one new use is beyond this author‘s imaginative powers: what exactly does a Ukrainian mother do with an ice crusher from Poppelsdorf? Maybe she just passed it on, and it is long since performing good s

Vitaly Aljeksandrowitsch became a shaman 9 years ago.

It is Europe‘s poor East that sucks up the remains of Bonn‘s consumer society, polishes it, and then re-uses it until it is utterly worn out. This is where these bicycles, dressers, drills, and bed-frames come to find a new life. There are Polish housewives cooking borsht in pots that for 30 years saw nothing but the kitchens of the Rhineland. Hungarians families sleep on the beds of their Bonn predecessors, and one or two Romanian wild roses grow from flowerpots that once nurtured geraniums. Eastern Europe is like a giant recycling machine for the West - our bulky waste goes into the households of Chişinău and Prizren, our disused cars trundle from Shkodra to Tirana as re-tooled micro-buses, our dilapidated washing machines clean shirts in Burgas and Bratislava.

But only one new use is beyond this author‘s imaginative powers: what exactly does a Ukrainian mother do with an ice crusher from Poppelsdorf? Maybe she just passed it on, and it is long since performing good s

A goat get sacrifice for a one day taking ceremony.

The Shaman work has also a part of the work from a psychologist. He is listing to the problem of the people.

A family came to sacrifice a goat to feed there ancestors.

Natalia has made a cermony to clean her soul and leave here past behind her. For that she has to throw the cakes away.

Object that will be used while a shaman session.

The center for schman „Baikal“ is locate in a suburb area surround form a small business and a car repair shop.

The shaman Waljerij Konstantinowitsch make a ritual with a new care to make it safer.

Mikhail Wladimirowitsch

The sacrifice goat get burned while the ceremony.

The drum is a imported element to get in trance.

Olga Boldokhonova and her daughter Alona came with her family to get a connection to her ancestors.

Mikhail Wladimirowitsch is leading the ceremony for the family Boldokhonova