"I was renting a flat in a wooden ramshackle house, a room in it… I didn't know that his guy has served a term, that he was an alkie. I said, 'What do we do regarding payment?' He said to bring a bottle every evening. I said, 'How do you mean a bottle? A bottle costs quite a lot.' He said, 'No, I mean this kind of alcohol.
He showed me a bottle, I could read on it that it is something for windows cleaning. Every evening after my work I always went there and bought such a bottle. At one point I got tired and bought 10 or 15 of them. I hid it under my bed, in order not to look for them each time. One day I noticed that my food started to disappear, that someone slept in my room. I asked, 'What is this? I lock the door, you have got a spare key, and you are taking my food.
One night there was a crowd. All of them had ugly mugs, prison-like expressions. One of them, then another one, started getting at me. I said, 'If it is like this, I am leaving tomorrow.' That night I was scared. They stayed until the morning, sitting and boozing. I hardly slept that night, the day after I took my belongings and left. Afterwards I was living at the building site. He came to ask me to come back, said, 'You know, I don't have anybody, no kids, no wife, I am alone. Come back.' I said no. He came again and again, asking for money for booze. I said, 'I am tired of you. May be you can go and work somewhere, as a watchman?' Nobody wanted to take him, because he is a drunkard — who needs him…"