For the German project participants both Irkutsk and "The City Otherwise" were supposed to start not with the historical center but with the town districts. They are closer to everyday life and further from stereotypes. Among ourselves we called these walks "landing operations": small groups of 2−3 people with an Irkutsk participant as a guide headed off to places where tourists usually don't go. It turned out that it is not only tourists who don't go there: our Irkutsk participants were in many places for the first time too. In some cases the group had an extra task (for example, to find various layers of the place), in others they just had to follow circumstances and their own interests and to observe.
We chose three stories for publication. Strangely, all of them took us to the rivers. Although that coincidence was quite understandable: Irkutsk was built on rivers and made a living out of them. Nowadays this connection is not so obvious but it hasn't vanished.